In 26 years practicing employment law, I have spoken with literally thousands of people - employees, managers, and HR professionals about their employment law disputes. From this experience I have come to recognize established patterns that don't work, and which only escalate a problem. From my observations, I have developed tools and techniques for preventing, responding to, and resolving employment law concerns that can help you deal with difficult issues and maintain a productive workplace. Contact me to discuss how my knowledge of the law and insight into these dynamics can help your company. - AKR
Harassment * Discrimination * Retaliation * Accommodations * Grievances * Terminations, Promotions & Disciplinary Actions * Handbooks * Policies * Contracts * Unemployment Insurance * Wage, Hour and Classification
Your employment law resource
Consulting - contract, handbook and policy review - legal opinions - prevention and resolution tools - case evaluation - company culture and risk evaluation - real time advice and strategy
Training & Seminars - orientation and refresher classes for employees, managers and HR professionals - overview or specific issue courses available - customized to meet your needs
Complaint Investigation and Resolution - discrete intake and investigations - problem solving options
Counseling & Coaching - confidential and independent - remedial action strategies - ongoing communication and monitoring available